I love the Harrier... Here we go again. Hasegawa GR Mark 3 in 1/72.

I love the Harrier... Here we go again. Hasegawa GR Mark 3 in 1/72.
There's just something special about the various forms of the Harrier. I can't resist building it when the opportunity arises.
Let's have a look at the Hasegawa GR Mark 3 in 1/72.
Looks cool immediately with the box art. It's not hurt by the wrap round camo which I think is cool too. (Just in case we want to attack upside down...)
It's a Harrier, look! The box says so.

An image of the model is found on the second long side.

The usual purchasing information on the end panels.

Stealth Harrier...

Ok. Let's go.

A box full of goodies.

A big bag of goodies...

Let's have a look inside.

It's a goodie for the money. I suspect the  large sprue contains the standard parts.

This looks like the model specific parts.

Nice looking decals.

There is an English information section in the instructions but it is on the small side.

Pilot first.

Prepainting  internal details as always.

Trimming decals before applying them.

A dip in warm water to soften the decals.

Building the fuselage... It will need a little cleaning up.

The vents hang down in a stationary setting.

I'll cut them out to look like they are open.

It gives the sense I think...

Cammo time...

Preparing the underwing stores...

Something to hang the biombs on...

Undercarriage next.

Nearly done.

Touching up the paintwork.

Panel lines and weathering.

Don't forget the decals...

Ladies and Gentleman. The Harrier.
