WWWII German tank crew field maintenance set for my alt history.

 I got a box of 1/48 German field maintenance figures to add to my alt history diorama. 

let's have a look at what I got. The box art sold the kit to me. Nine really good figures...

On one side we have the accessories and on the other the figures.

A goodly set of accessories. I'm sure they will come in useful even if I don't use them on the diorama.

Stores too...

I think these are good poses.  I wonder how many I'll use.

I've put a few together. There was the usual cleaning, a little filler, and sculpturing.

Here are a few images of the final diorama with the figures in place.

These are good figures. They may well turn up again in the future. I'll do a proper job on them next time.
