Tamaiya Churchill Mk VII in 1/48. Finishing up.


So, where did we get to? Getting all the bits out again... The tank is looking reasonably good but it's time to make a display.

Even in 1/48, it's a long one. I don't have a display case long enough at the moment.

Here I am in 1/48 too

A simple base I think...
That'll do.

A 5mm frame to hold the filler.

Cement and plaster base. 
I've pressed the tracks into the base to allow the model to sit snugly when we are done.

While the base is drying I painted the base starting of with brown shades highlighted with lightened shade on higher areas. Using the moisture and thin washes to allow the shades to blend.
Finally I used a thin dark brown wash in the lower areas to give a shadow effect.

I went round the outside with a dark wood stain and used a PVA wash in random places to hold a grass effect caused by applying ground down green tea salvaged after use. (Rubbing the dried tea between fingers and thumb to get a fine material.)
I'll use tweezers to remove woody green tea leaving the finer leafy remnants.

Next I add washes of PVA to the lower areas before adding a bit of the brown wood stain to give a puddle/damp soil effect.

Using a nylon dressing gown chord and trimming the end, I'm able to add some longer grass, securing it with PVA.

Nearly done. Final details to come...

Stretched sprue for aerials and populating the base with some British troops.

...and we are done...

Ladies and Gentlemen...Tamaiya Churchill Mk VII in 1/48.


  1. Very nice build! Discovered you via Scalemates as I'm considering building this kit to sit alongside the Tamiya Panzer IV in 1/48 (32584)


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